Air Jordan 1 x Rox Brown Retro High OG 'Black'
$125.00 – $165.00
The Zion Williamson x Air Jordan 1 Retro Low OG ‘Voodoo’ shares a New Orleans-inspired theme with a companion Zion 2 colorway from June 2022. Braided rope laces secure the upper, featuring beige suede quarter panels and a brown suede toe box. Burlap-like overlays feature raw edges and mismatched color blocking in light brown, Oil Green and Fossil. In addition to exposed deco stitching, unique accents include an inverted mini-Swoosh on the forefoot and an embroidered voodoo-doll graphic on the lateral heel. An upside-down Wings logo is stamped on the brown suede heel tab, which lifts up to reveal mismatched ‘Voodoo’ and ‘Zion’ graphics on the interior side.
Top (1:1)
When you choose this quality, we guarantee you will be satisfied. These are the best reps that Replica Market can offer in 2025, sourced only from factories with the best reputation. When you go for 'Top (1:1),' you will hardly find any flaws. These products undergo strict quality checks, and we do not allow any flaws. They will also pass most legit checks (some people have even passed StockX legit checks, but we cannot guarantee that).
This is the golden mean between high-quality reps and saving some money. High-quality products use the same materials as retail items 99% of the time, with the same or similar manufacturing processes. There may still be some micro flaws (not really noticeable to the eye). They come from factories with a well-known reputation for better quality. High-quality products will perform well next to retail.
The most budget-friendly option, mostly for well-known models. There may be small stitching flaws, the color of the materials may be slightly different from the original model, and the materials may not be the same as those on the retail model. However, they still go through our quality check process, so it's not possible to receive a damaged or unwearable product. Please keep in mind that 'MEDIUM' doesn't mean 'BAD' :)
Note: Please be aware that we are honest about the products we sell. If other websites or people claim they sell (1:1) reps for $100, we can tell you that you definitely won't get 1:1 quality. You will most likely receive something comparable to our 'Medium' quality, if not a knock-off.